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Blogs from July, 2023

Modern house with solar panels. Night view of a beautiful white house with solar panels.

Exposing Misleading Advertisements by Solar Companies: Unveiling the Truth Behind "No Cost Solar"

As solar energy becomes increasingly popular, it's important for consumers to be well-informed about the services offered by solar companies. Unfortunately, some companies resort to misleading advertising tactics to attract potential customers. Phrases like "government-funded solar program", "no-cost solar program", “utility-sponsored solar program” and “get paid to go solar” can create false expectations and confusion. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on these misleading claims, empowering you to make informed decisions about your solar energy options.

The Pitfalls of Uneducated Solar Salespeople:

One of the key issues in the solar industry lies in the presence of uneducated or inexperienced solar salespeople. These individuals may lack the necessary knowledge and understanding of solar energy systems, leading to misleading claims and inaccurate information provided to homeowners. The consequences of such misinformation can be detrimental, resulting in poor system performance, unrealistic expectations, and financial implications for unsuspecting customers.

Homeowners should be cautious when interacting with solar salespeople and take the following precautions:

  1. Research the company and salesperson: Before engaging in discussions or signing any contracts, conduct thorough research on the company and the salesperson representing them. Do they use a third party to create the proposal? Is the sales rep an employee of the company or an independent broker that might disappear after the sale? Do they do the installation with in-house employees or do they subcontract the work to a company of actual solar professionals? Look for reputable customer reviews, NABCEP certifications, a business license, and qualifications that demonstrate their expertise in solar in your local market.
  2. Verify the information provided: When discussing system performance, financial savings, shade impact calculations, battery backup system capabilities, or utility bill offset, ask for detailed explanations and evidence to support the claims. A knowledgeable salesperson should be able to provide accurate and transparent information based on reliable data and industry standards.
  3. Seek independent advice: If you are unsure about any aspect of the information provided by a salesperson, consider seeking independent advice from solar professionals who can provide objective insights and help verify the accuracy of the claims made. You can use the link above to search for NABCEP-certified professionals.

By being aware of the pitfalls associated with uneducated solar salespeople, homeowners can make more informed decisions and avoid falling victim to misleading information that may lead to subpar system performance or unmet expectations. Ultimately, well-informed homeowners can navigate the solar market more confidently, leading to better outcomes and a more positive experience with their solar energy systems.

Misleading Assumptions about Utility Cost Offset:

Some solar companies may claim that the utility bills will be completely offset by the solar system, implying that homeowners will pay nothing or have a significantly reduced electricity bill. However, it's crucial to note that the degree of utility cost offset depends on various factors, including the size of the solar system, energy consumption patterns, and the local utility's

net-metering policy and pricing structure. In the Georgia market, where net metering is not widely available, the maximum utility cost offset is limited, and homeowners should be cautious of exaggerated claims regarding bill reduction of 55% or more.

The Reality of "No Cost Solar" and Positive Cashflow:

Solar companies promoting "no cost solar" based on positive cash flow are often misrepresenting the financial realities of solar energy systems. While it is possible for solar installations to provide a positive cash flow in some cases, it is not a guarantee for all homeowners. Factors such as the upfront cost of the system, financing terms, electricity consumption, and the local utility's pricing can significantly impact the financial outcomes.

Homeowners should be wary of companies that base their entire advertising campaigns on the assumption of achieving positive cash flow. It is crucial to thoroughly evaluate the financial projections provided by the solar company. Seeking multiple quotes and consulting independent solar professionals can help homeowners make a realistic assessment of the financial implications before signing any contracts.

Beware of False "Utility Sponsored Solar Programs":

It is important for consumers to exercise caution when confronted with claims of "utility-sponsored solar programs" made by certain sales representatives. These misleading statements may create the impression that the solar company is affiliated with or endorsed by the local power utility. However, it is essential to note that utility companies typically operate independently from solar installation companies and do not promote specific solar providers. While some utility companies may offer incentives or programs to encourage renewable energy adoption, it is crucial to verify the legitimacy of any claims made by sales representatives regarding utility sponsorship. Conducting independent research and consulting with the utility company directly can help uncover the truth and avoid falling victim to false associations or misrepresentations.


To make informed decisions in the solar energy market, it's essential to be cautious of misleading advertisements and claims made by uneducated solar salespeople. Conduct thorough research, verify information, and seek independent advice to protect yourself from unrealistic expectations and financial hardships. Additionally, be wary of false claims regarding utility-sponsored or government-sponsored solar programs. By staying informed and vigilant, you can navigate the solar market confidently, ensuring a positive experience and aligning with your sustainability and financial goals.
